A scheduled investigation of your premises is carried out to identify all fire risks and hazards, considering the existing fire safety measures and controls in place.
As the years pass, and in the wake of tragic events such as the Grenfell Tower Fire, legislation surrounding the safety of buildings, and the compliance of their current passive fire protection measures can change frequently, meaning that a lot of properties soon become non-compliant, posing a risk to not only any individuals inside, but the financial well-being of the premises owner.
In recent years, it has become vital that all buildings should be up to date in all aspects of their fire safety, in order to give the best possible chance of stopping the spread of a fire and allowing for the all-important extra evacuation time.
What are Property Risk Latent Defects?
A latent defect is a fault in a property that could not have reasonably been discovered through inspection before completion.
GTS monitors all fire safety systems in order to identify all possible problems with each premise.
The team is assembled of individuals from diverse backgrounds including fire safety, building engineering, façade engineering firefighting, military, and infrastructure design and build.
Our expert team can provide a breadth of fire engineering knowledge to any project, spanning the built environment and housing sectors.
Offering bespoke fire engineered solutions that cover all aspects of fire safety, ranging from non-standard construction details to buildings that step away from traditional guidance.